About us

King Family Hazlenuts started as a produce business with a CSA program in 2011. In 2015 we started the hazelnut branch of the business with the idea to process and package the hazelnuts grown by King Family Farms, Inc. We are a family owned and operated business, as mom and two daughters.

Kristin’s Family
I attended Clackamas Community College and earned an Associate of Science degree in Horticulture. I married my long-time friend and high school prom date in 2009 and we had our first daughter, Brookelynn, in the fall of 2010! In December of 2012, our second daughter Brynn was born and we welcomed another baby girl, Joanna, in the summer of 2017! The start of King Fresh has allowed me to follow my passion, agriculture! I feel very blessed that our girls are growing up on the farm and are learning the same values and appreciation for agriculture that I have. Over the last couple of years we have enjoyed skiing with our girls in the winter and exploring National Parks in the summer! When not at soccer and softball games, our evenings are spent riding four wheelers with our girls and playing in the yard with our dog Charlie!

Ashley's Family
As I was growing up, if I wasn’t outside on my horse, you may have found me working with my dad, on the farm during summers. Growing up on the farm truly instilled in me, a passion for agriculture! After high school, I attended Oregon State University and earned a Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences and a Master of Science in Agricultural Education. I taught high school agriculture for four years, and I found my second passion—teaching! As much as I loved this career, I could not pass up the opportunity to begin working with my mom and Kristin, as we started our hazelnut venture - so I left my teaching career and went full time entrepreneur! Jared & I met in high school and got married in 2010, and together we have four children. As a family we enjoy caring for our animals and property. We are heavily involved in sports and 4-H programs so you'll most likely find us outside with our animals or at a sporting event! I am thankful and feel fortunate that our kids get to be raised the same as I was, on the farm! I love to share my passions with them and adore that they too, are learning to love farm life!

I graduated from Oregon State University in 1978 as a teacher. While teaching in a small rural school in the Silverton area I met and married my Husband, David (partner of King Family Farms, Inc.), in 1980. Together we raised 5 children, Andrea, Kellie, Kristin, Ashley and Tyler who have all learned to appreciate the value of not only being raised on a farm, but also being involved in working and learning about agriculture. After taking several years to stay home with our children I was fortunate to find a teaching job at a K-8 school teaching 7th and 8th grade about a mile from our home beginning in 1990! In addition to teaching I have always had a love for gardening. In 2009, along with our daughters I started a new adventure, and that was the beginning of Farmer’s markets and King Fresh Produce. About 5 years after putting in our first hazelnut orchard we decided to start processing and packaging our own nuts, which is a business we are excited about expanding! In my spare time, with my love for sewing, I usually have a quilt in progress! We are so thankful to have a busy home that is often times full of children and grandchildren who fill us with joy and pride.